Ehem, ehem
I'm glad to say I have been employed. WOHO. where you say? mph subang parade. i worked there for only two days and then i get two days off. how cool is that huh.
2012 started with some highs and some lows. the highs are as i stated above.
the low is that I CAN'T HEAR. seriously i can't hear anything in my left ear. Is my eardrum broken or something? I dont know. It's really annoying how I can't hear what people are saying. I keep on saying HUH HUH but people get annoyed repeating the things they say.
and my ear is starting to hurt.
I want my hearing backkkkkkkkk :(
tambah lagi tambah lagi
kan duduk dekat rembau 2 tahun. that's kind of a long time. so i had a MASSIVE change from being a budak USJ to a budak Rembau. dulu aku mana ada cakap 'aku kau'. sebab orang lain mesti ejek cara aku cakap ni. so the safer idea is to say 'i and u' instead. so duduk dekat usj ni semua orang aku communicate aku cakap 'i u'. hey u tgh buat apa? i takde buat pape, u? mcm gitu la. its normal to me. pastu aku cakap dulu cam sopan sikit la. cam girlgirl gedik2 sikit. cara aku cakap and slang tu aku tekan kan lagi. nampak lah kononnya mcm woaa budak bandar. perangai pun cam jagajaga sikit. covercover lah katakan. 'eh u ni. apa la u' HAHA. so pindah semesra kan, i had a drastic change. cakap kasar sikit, pandai sakat orang, pandai kenakan orang. kot la. budakbudak ni lah yang ajar. aku cakap sekarang pun aku kau dgn sapasapa je. cakap dah tak payah cover sebab kita semua kan friends. aku pun dah terbiasa cakap aku kau tak kira la dgn permpuan atau lelaki.
then sekolah habis, balik USJ. kena kembali jadi budak USJ. kena covercover balik, cakap 'i u' and gelak kena cam gedik sikit. aku tak tahu kenapa aku dah tak biasa da cakap 'i u'. mcm eee pelik nya. kenapa aku ni? it soounds so weird now to be saying 'i u' in a malay sentence. rasa macam apahal gedik sangat aku ni. pelik lah. i dont know how i did it in the past. but now it sounds so weird. maybe as malia said, "kalau cakap aku kau macam lagi rapat" its kind of true.
so help. i'm trying to say i u again. but its so not me anymore. HAHH, i dont know. i've got to get use to it.
ok bye nak pergi kerja