Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life as a UKM Student 

I was stuttered by the cocking sounds
vibration made by my phone under the pillow
resembling a new day
Budging like a turtle out of bed, so slow

Fling the curtains wide
Rays piercing into my eyes
and glance at the smiling sun
Hoping today brings joy and fun

During class I blankly stare
on the glass board I blindly glare
trying to make sense of all
My mind scrambles like a New Year in the mall

Focus is what I should do
desperately trying to understand something new
But quitting is never the option
I must grip on a new vision

Confusing, flustering, cluttering, struggling
Now I'm enduring, striving, persevering 
Aspire to stand on two feet
A bright future I hope to meet