Monday, October 28, 2013

Taking the next step in life



Foooohhhhhhhhhhh. Tiup habuk jap. Fuuuuuhhh. *cough cough*


It has been months since I wrote anything here.
A lot has been going on so I figured why not post it on the blog. Besides I am currently doing an assignment for Proferssional and Personal Development module. (nahhh, I finished it already. hehe) I have to write a diary for any two days last week with pictures inserted. might as well since I am in my writing mode now, post it on my blog.
HAHA I'm not like the other students. Personally, I love to write diaries. K I just really love to write. Lets put it at that. 

Actually, so much had happened during the 4 months break period between Asasi and Degree. I don't even know where to start. But if I were to put it all in this post, until next week pun tak kan habis kot. HAHA.
tak apa lah. I'll write about my holiday in a different post.

Basically, I have become an under graduate student. I am enrolled in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia under the medical faculty. *Doctor-to-be* InsyaAllah
I don't want to write much and just let the pictures explain all.
Because pictures are worth a thousand words. yelewww

Quoted by Sir ARHO
"students know the answers and how to do it but the problem is WHERE TO START"


K Sebenarnya dah dua bulan di UKM so so much has been going on. and IDK where to start leulz.

Alamak gambar blur plakzz. kononnya ni tengah study laa. candid la konon tengah study ni! 

PBL "Program Based Learning"
Learning from case studies. yeah thats me presenting. This PBL session was about Marfan Syndrome.
group ni namanya "The Infinite" ceh kononnya our bond will be infinitely strong. cooperation and teamwork is infinite.

Clinical Booth Pesta Konvo. No, it's not a race car game or any video game. I don't know what you call it. but the thing can calculate your body mass index and your body fat percentage. cool kan. as for me? kehkeh. normal je. tak payah panggil ainmok dah. ainrus sudah. kata kaunselor, my body fat percentage weight and semua cantik dah. just keep it up. chyeahhh.  hehehehe no more #misiskeleton

ni haaa. cucuk jari sendiri. buat blood test. cool oh. super awesome. amazing. glucose level normal:) Alhamdulillah. nampak tak tekun nya di situ. boleh jadi Dr dah ni :)

my duty is to distribute the flyers. under the hot hot sun. in the hot hot heat. 
kepanasan di dunia tidak setanding dengan kepanasan di neraka kelak
nauzubillah. *ouch skit*
Ya Allah lindungi lah kami dari azab neraka. amin. 

 some more group stuff. 

tekun study ;) 
lol please dont be fooled. the is strictly an act. just for the diary assignment. 
lakonan semata-mata. hekhek

yeah thats me in my very own lab coat that has the UKM logo there. fakulti perubatan.
Alhamdulillah. I am chasing after my dreams. yang ibu bapa redhai and Allah redhai. InsyaAllah. 
lookie your little girl is growing up. following my daddy's footstep to become a doctor. making my parents wishes and request to have one of their child become a doctor.
I am honoured to be that child. mom and dad. this is all for you. after all you have done for me. All you have sacrificed for me. all the tuitions you sent me. berusaha payah to get me into boarding school. sending and picking me up all the way from Semesra. and came to visit me every other weekend. all the money you spent for my education fees and school allowance and school clothes and books and stationaries. and buying all the  things that I ask for. all that I want and need. braces and licence. semua. and teaching me how to be independent. th
All the dua's
 I can't thank you enough. 
I have the best parents in the world. and I am the luckiest girl to have them
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. 

Things may not go as we like. and we may suffer from loses. but it will never stop us from reaching our dreams.

K lah Dr. Ain Mokhtar minta diri dulu. 

K tu je la kot. Assalamualaikum

from a-doctor-to-be
