Something has been bugging me lately. Maybe it's this comment made by my ex-classmate from 5Al Razi
"Masa touching dah lama over der"
I have to admit I'm probably one of the person that's always reminiscent memories and past activities. I keep on saying how much I miss this and that. But, when he made that statement, it really got to me like yeahh that's so true. I couldn't agree more.
It's not like we can rewind the times in the past. It's not like we can revisit the places we went. It's not like we can redo the things we did.
The past is meant to be the past. I mean yeah I had a great time this year. and 2011 is awesome. I changed for the better. I am a total new person. I missed them and the routine like the first week I'm home. I wasn't getting used to it. But then, what do I obtain by missing all that?
I can't relive it
So I just move on. Look forward. I remind myself "you're going to see them again, it's not goodbye."
Heck ya is not goodbye. It's a see ya later. (Dear John)
So when I read in Facebook status and blogs about how much they miss this and that, I make a face. HAHA. It's getting old la der.
Honestly, my blogs ada banyak pasal how much I miss the old times. but that was way long before I write this blog. HAHA. I was a child back then. Now, I'm and pre adult. I finish school okay.
Prepare for my life ahead, get ready to meet new people, build a stronger confidence, and stay true to myself.
2011? thanks and bye. 2012 I am ready :)