I feel like I'm in a day care center! :D
During this holiday (not much of a holiday since spm is coming up) I followed my dad to his office. The reason? saje nak mencapap. HAHA. So I can really focus you know. Baru ada semangat tengok ada meja, kerusi, orang pakai slacks and baju kemeja. semangat tau pegi office ayah aku pakai backpack. And of course bangun pagipagi, macam pegi sekolah plak kan.
But I really like the feeling in my dad's office. It's cool, relaxing, kinda makes me feel smarter, especially in these cool office chairs. Now I actually have the drive to study unlike at home where the television is on, my sisters screaming, food available. Tapi kann omg belajar daripada pukul 8 sampai pukul 5? omg mati -___-
The actual feeling here is like in a day care center. My dad put me in one place and I'm not allowed to go anywhere else. I can go eat when he comes back and fetch me. I see his office mates and they stare at me weirdly. I walk following my dad's footsteps as I follow him everywhere. HAHA. My dad drops me at his office table as he goes for his lecture. HAHA.
What a holiday hah. -,-
But I actually got to study which is a good thing. It's not enough though. Got to study some more. BYE!